
Open API Solutions for FinTech Developers

Woman hugging small daughter on brick lined street

Multiple Front-End Trading & Connectivity Options

Execution & Algo Services

Reports & Capital Management

TradingBlock’s Open API suite provides FinTech developers with the tools to integrate outsourced brokerage solutions into their proprietary platforms seamlessly.

API Features Include:

  • New account opening and account management
  • Trading and order management
  • Positions and position history
  • Cash management and account balances
  • Account documents: Statements, confirms, and tax reporting
Our integration team delivers ongoing support for setup, troubleshooting, and feature deployment to keep your applications running smoothly.

Take your trading to the next level with solutions designed for active professionals. 

Professional Service FAQs

What is TradingBlock Mini-Prime?

We provide mini-prime, portfolio margin and customized execution solutions.

TradingBlock facilitates each manager’s unique technology, trading, reporting and back-office needs.

  • Multiple clearing and custody options available
  • Tailored solutions encompassing trading technology, ultra-low latency execution, portfolio and risk-reporting systems.
  • Multiple execution venues providing liquidity, flexible routing and connectivity.
  • Portfolio margin, securities lending, financing, and soft-dollar programs.
  • Custom reporting, fee management and P&L allocation tools.
  • Experienced, responsive trade desk specializing in complex strategy execution and margin allocation.
  • Concierge administrative support backed by one-on-one back-office services.
How can portfolio margin benefit my strategy?

Make risk-based margin work for you

Portfolio Margin is a portfolio and risk-based margin methodology that applies margin requirements to an account based on the greatest projected net loss of all positions in a given ‘security class’ or ‘product group’.

Unlike “Regulation T margin” (or “Reg T”, the margin methodology which applies to most retail brokerage accounts and which applies margin treatment onposition-by-position basis), Portfolio Margin accounts for correlations that may exist between similar types of indices and ETFs. Portfolio Margin also considers how conservative a portfolio may be; thus, a more conservative portfolio may have lower margin treatment than a portfolio carrying more risk.

The goal of Portfolio Margin is to set margin levels that more precisely reflect actual net risk by considering the entirety of an account’s current positions. As a result, Portfolio Margin may provide traders greater leverage (or more efficient use of trading capital), since margin requirements are calculated based on net risk and may be lower than standard Reg T margin requirements. Additionally, under Portfolio Margin, initial and maintenance margin requirements are the same.

TradingBlock offers Portfolio Margin to qualified clients. Contact us at for more information.

What execution routes and algos do you offer?

Select the smart routing algos that fit your strategy.

TradingBlock offers multiple smart route algos through several execution venues offering price improvement.

Equity Smart Routes

  • Smart Routing: Various smart routes via multiple executing brokers. Price Improvement: Yes
  • TB Smart Penny: Smart equity route that allows full pricing and security type flexibility. Price Improvement: No

Option Smart Routes

  • Smart Routing: Various smart routes via multiple executing brokers. Price Improvement: Yes
  • TB Smart Dark: Custom smart route that seeks liquidity without displaying to the market. Price Improvement: No
  • TB Smart: Custom smart order routing sends orders to preferred exchange. Supports Day and GTC orders. Price Improvement: No
  • TB Swipe: Sweeps the market and posts residual to most liquid exchange. Price Improvement: No
  • TB Stealth: Sweeps the market and posts residual without displaying to the market. Price Improvement: No
  • TB Liquidity: Custom smart route that accesses vast range of liquidity and allows sub-increment trading. Price Improvement: No
  • TB Smart Sweep: Custom sweep route designed to maximize liquidity while minimizing exchange fees. Price Improvement: No
  • TB PIP: Custom smart route designed to seek out and maximize price improvement. Price Improvement: No


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